Each year, The Arc Tennessee coordinates a small group of volunteers to assist with the conference. Check out specific volunteer opportunities below.
You can make a difference
When the MegaConference is an in-person event, several volunteers are needed. Volunteers are recruited and trained by the conference volunteer committee, who provide instructions and training to each volunteer. See the primary volunteer positions needed each year for MegaConference. Click the button below to express interest in volunteer opportunities.
Registration Desk
Assist individuals and families with checking-in for the conference. Volunteers help answer general questions, direct attendees to specific room locations, and notify staff of any additional accommodations that may be needed.
Room Facilitator
Each facilitator assists with introducing the speaker, distributing/collecting session evaluations, authorizing continuing education units and other duties as assigned. There is a room facilitator for each session.
Materials & Set-up
Throughout the conference, support is needed in delivering/collecting materials, assisting with room set-up, helping volunteers check in & out, move visual aids and greet attendees.
All volunteers must be at least 18 years or older, commit to 2+ service hours at a time, and submit to a federal background check.
Make a donation today!
Donations made on behalf of MegaConference support the stipend program for individuals and families to attend the conference.